I simply do not have the time or the funds to keep trying to make this work, but I thought it could be an interesting project for someone to look into. In each case, the material is obviously dry - upon escape, the character's clothes are clean and dry. In at least a couple of episodes, a character would fall or get pulled into 'quicksand'.
Dry quicksand youtube series#
One of the more interesting and informative ones is here I've been watching the original Lost in Space series (1965). There are many videos on the web dealing with fluidized sand. Death-by-quicksand is a favourite of B-movie directors. In the name, as in that of quicksilver (mercury), quick does not mean fast, but alive (cf. I have a video of the most successful configuration I was able to produce, but I have to edit it to remove personal information before I can post it. is a colloid hydrogel consisting of fine granular matter (such as sand or silt), clay, and salt water. Dry Quicksand is a naturally occuring quicksand type that generates in Desert Biomes. The challenge I faced was finding the right angle and number of holes in the air supply pipe as well as the proper air supply pressure. Dry Quicksand is a type of quicksand introduced in the MFQM. In theory, this would work to convey sand over 100' if the right configuration could be found. One application of this project would be to convey sand from a dump truck into the crawlspace or basement of a building to bring that elevation up so it is even with the ground on the outside of the building. The major disadvantage this method presents is that it relies on gravity for motion of the fluidized sand, so, unlike mechanical conveyors, it could only be used if the end point is at a lower elevation than the beginning. This could be useful to move sand over long distances using pipes that are much lighter than the mechanical and motorized conveyors that are typically used in this function. This project uses the concept of using air to "fluidize" sand so that it will flow in a pipe like a liquid. Luckily, we live in a time where we’re not stuck with just one type of hair clay. Unfortunately, I am not going to be able to finish the project, so I wanted to share what I learned with the general public so others might benefit from the time I spent. Thats a godsend if your hair gets oily quick, but not so great if you have dry or curly hair. The genre-diverse list includes Wet Leg, Dry Cleaning, IDLES, Turnstile, King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard, Nothing, Cold Cave, and more, and it also includes a Quicksand song ('just being honest. You can be rescued or save yourself, but only if you know what to do. Quicksand can kill you, but probably not the way you think. In real life, you cant be saved by someone pulling you out. I have been working on a project for several months and had intended to patent the system. Video 'Hand desperately waving, sinking in quicksand, trapped tourist in desert, danger' can be used for personal and commercial purposes according to the conditions of the purchased Royalty-free license.